Wanderlust: a strong desire for or impulse to wander or travel and explore the world.

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Monday, May 16, 2011

Day at the Museum

I watched the movie "Night At The Museum" for a couple of times now so I asked my good friend Nadine to take me to the American Museum of Natural History. I was kinda curious  if the characters in the movie are all there but nope their not maybe its in the other museum in Washington DC. I wasn't disappointed at all because the museum is so amazing. Its really big that it took us 5 hours looking and trying to "absorb" the different information regarding the artifacts and stuff. In the end we weren't able to see the whole exhibit because we lack time. Its the first place that I visited since I got back to NY and i fell in love all over again. I <3 NY.
81st street the subway stop to the museum and its the main entrance to the Rose Center for Earth and Space.
Entrance located at  79th Street and Central Park West.
Our tickets.  You can purchase your tickets at any admissions desk at the museum.

Shamanism. Shamans are individuals with the ability to heal, work with earth energies
i like skulls. i don't know why but i like taking pictures of it.
dum dum u give me gum gum.
dinosaur poop excavation kit.
oh its T-Rex.
OMG I'm so heavy I don't want to go there ever. :P
And when I go to the Red Giant Star. I'm so light. Not even half a pound.
Its me goofing around. :P
When your hungry they have a food court  located at the ground floor.